Category Archives: Worms

Effective Ways to Get Rid of Intestinal Worms in Pets

A parasite resides on a host and absorbs its nourishment. Moving forward, parasites inside the gastrointestinal tract of cats and dogs are called intestinal worms. These parasites negatively impact pets’ digestion, cause discomfort, and lead to serious health problems if left untreated. Cats and dogs invite these parasites through intoxicated water, soil, and insect intake.… Read More »

All You Need To Know About Ringworm Infections in Dogs

Despite its name, ringworm is not a worm. In fact, it is a kind of fungus. It causes a contagious fungal skin infection which affects pets as well as humans. The infection is not a fatal one but can be quite uncomfortable. If you are a dog parent and do not know how to deal… Read More »

Interceptor – Best Parasite Protection for Dogs

It’s important to eliminate dog worms promptly and safely, and your dog counts on you to act morally in this situation. You can help your dog by providing protection against those harmful internal parasites with the proven worming treatment. One such vet-strength and pet parent’s favorite broad-spectrum intestinal worm protection and heartworm disease prevention product… Read More »

Revolution Plus – Best Broad Spectrum Treatment for Cats

We love our cats, but some parasites like fleas, ticks, and worms love feeding on them even more. They leave no chance of infecting our beloved feline friends and pose a grave threat to them. One of the economical ways to save our cats from a wide spectrum of parasites like fleas, ticks, mites, heartworms,… Read More »

Nexgard Combo – A New All-In-One Cat Parasiticide Solution

Cat parents understand the joy that these furry four-legged-feline-friends bring to our lives. Because cats are naturally independent, they are often easier to care for when we share our homes with them. As a result, it’s vital for both you and your cat to keep it healthy and parasite-free. Internal or external parasite infection in… Read More »

Comparing Nexgard and Nexgard Spectra

Parasite protection for our canine companions is a greater headache than coronavirus for every other dog parent. Fleas, ticks, and worms like blood-sucking insects, cause never-ending troubles for our loved animals. What is more, the ever-evolving veterinary medicine industry is flooded with newer anti-parasitic treatments every now and then creating an obvious confusion among pet… Read More »

Treatment And Prevention For Worms In Dogs

Your dog will almost certainly get intestinal worms at some point throughout their lives, which is an awful part of pet parenting. It’s even worse that intestinal worms frequently go unreported and misdiagnosed because symptoms aren’t always obvious. If left untreated, your dog may become extremely ill, and there’s a danger you’ll get infected as… Read More »

Hookworm infection in Dogs and Cats

Hookworm is a parasitic worm that infests the intestines of humans, dogs, and cats. It belongs to genera Necator and Ancylostoma of Nematoda class. Lifecycle of Hookworms Adult male and female hookworms mate in a dog’s intestine. Every day, the female worm lays several eggs. These eggs are released into the environment via feces. Within 24… Read More »

7 Foods to Feed Your Dog to Get Rid of Worms Worms in dogs is a very common issue, and dog parents do come across this condition at least some point in their pooch’s life. These worms are not only yucky but are fairly harmful to your furry pal’s health. In situations like these, feeding your buddy the correct food can help in getting rid… Read More »

How do you protect your dogs from hookworm?

Treating and Preventing Hookworm Disease in Dogs Hookworms are a very common intestinal parasite that infects dogs in large numbers. These small, thin and less than inch-long worms have hook-like teeth, and though they are not life-threatening parasites, one type of species can cause fatal blood loss in small puppies. And thus, it is important… Read More »