How to Maintain your Dog’s Oral Health?

By | May 4, 2018

how-to-clean-a-dogs-mouthBrushing your dog’s teeth may be a task for you but it is an important activity that will keep your dog healthy. By taking a proactive approach to your dog’s dental health, you can help fight against many common dental health issues like bad breath, plaque and tartar build-up, and periodontal disease. Here are some tips on how you can keep your dog’s teeth in good condition.

  • Prevent your Dog From Having Bad Breath

Most dogs with bad breath usually have poor dental care. Regular cleaning of your dog’s teeth can help remove food particles that are stuck in between your dog’s teeth and gums and can also prevent the odor from developing.

  • Remove Tartar and Plaque Buildup

Brushing your dog’s teeth regularly removes tartar and plaque. A tartar build-up if not cleaned from time to time can cause blockages that affect other organs and joints.

Brushing regularly can help prevent arthritis, heart disease, and various other complications.

  • Prevent Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is one of the most prominent diseases to affect dogs. Brushing your teeth every day stimulates your gums and cleans your tooth. It benefits your dog’s teeth in the same manner. Regular brushing is the best possible way to ensure that your dog has healthy teeth well into the adult years.

  • Reduce Damage to Your Dog’s Internal Organs

Toxins from periodontal and other oral diseases can damage the heart, kidneys, and liver which filter the blood if they are absorbed into your dog’s bloodstream. For this reason, regular brushing is crucial to prevent bacteria in your dog’s mouth from infecting and fatally damaging the internal organs.

  • Regular Checkups

Good oral care just isn’t limited to tooth brushing. It should include regular dental examinations including X-rays and a professional cleaning under general anesthesia.

It’s true that all dogs don’t want to have their teeth brushed. But don’t give up too soon. About 80% of dogs will allow you to brush their teeth. That’s if you start gradually and make it a fun activity.